
Andy Tix, Ph.D. is a teacher, writer, and consultant with expertise in the psychology of well-being, religion, and spirituality. He graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Minnesota. He teaches in the Psychology and Religious Studies programs at Normandale Community College in Bloomington, Minnesota.

Dr. Tix’s early research focused on relations between personal religiousness and well-being – for example, following serious medical stressors – earning him awards from the John Templeton Foundation and the American Psychological Association. He co-authored the single-most cited article in the history of the Journal of Counseling Psychology, the top academic journal in his field. To see his Google Scholar profile, click here.

Andy now focuses much of his work on teaching about the science of well-being, religion, and spirituality, with an emphasis on practical applications intended to help individuals and communities thrive. Some of this teaching occurs through writing. To see some of Andy’s most popular articles, click here. Andy’s Psychology Today blog, “The Pursuit of Peace,” has been accessed nearly one million times. He also writes about intersections between Christian spirituality and psychological science at his blog “The Quest for a Good Life.”

Dr. Tix consults with various kinds of organizations and leads presentations, workshops, and retreats around themes related to well-being, religion and spirituality. For example, he served as a content consultant for Learn to Live as they created their new well-being and resilience program.

Andy and his wife have two adult children and live on a pond surrounded by native plants in Hastings, Minnesota.